Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A defining year in mindfulness practice

Hello Wonderful People!

I am indeed alive and kicking, despite the lapse in blog posting.  I have always wanted to write a blog, but often hesitated because I worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up.  Well, I am glad I finally did it and here's to everyone else out there just doing their best along with me!

This year I was reminded of just how much can happen in 12 short months!  Last April when I created "Relaxation Story" for my LO, little did I know the journey I was beginning.  Since then I immersed myself in books, articles, and videos about the benefits of bringing mindfulness to children, and the most valuable lesson I learned was that it really comes back to my own practice.

Every practitioner says it, and I remember reading and re-reading the reminders to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.  Well in the beginning I thought I was practicing, I was doing my best, every day, to sit on my cushion and follow my breath.  I felt the effects of increased concentration, impulse control, calmness and better sleep.  Despite this, it wasn't until I relinquished my goal of "getting better at mindfulness so that I can teach," that everything fell into place.

Eventually I realized, through mindfulness practice, that my next steps professionally would fall into place if only I allowed the space necessary for personal growth.  My big decisions seemed much more accessible and a great deal less intimidating after this realization.  Although I have a list of important trainings and retreats that I am saving money to attend, when the opportunity arose to take a 6-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course to deepen my practice, I jumped at the opportunity.  It wasn't until after the first class that I realized I veered off course of my "mindfulness plan."  At that point there was nothing much I could do but to sit back and breathe.  It proved to be the best decision I ever could have made.

During those weeks of weekly meetings with like-minded people, I was able to look within myself and figure out how to bring mindfulness practice off the cushion and into my every-day life.  From sending loving kindness to my fellow SEPTA commuters, to noticing all of the bubbles and warm water I use to wash the daily dishes, mindfulness began to grow roots deeper into the soil of my life.  I continued reading and practicing yoga, qi-gong, and other mindful movement exercises as a way to deepen my understanding of myself.  As a result, when I interacted with the children, I shared what I was learning in an authentic way.  They received it with renewed interest and understanding.  We are all benefiting from the invaluable side effects of mindfulness together.

So much has changed since the last time I wrote here in July, and at the same time everything is exactly the same.  Being mindful really allows us to see what happens in every moment.  To notice the patterns by which we live, and to respond thoughtfully to life's surprises instead of reacting   instinctually, we live a richer life.  I feel so fortunate to have found what feels like a secret to living life, and am more excited than ever to share these strategies with all the children in my life.

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