In meditation there is a common phrase: Beginner's Mind. All things are possible with Beginner's Mind. Optimism and Excitement encourage us to dance like no one is watching. Rules and Guidelines haven't yet boxed us in or tied us down. We are free and open to new experiences, and it feels great. Making an effort to maintain this point of view can be challenging as we accumulate knowledge and skills. I am happy to say that I have a Beginner's Mind in my approach to Mindfulness with Children, and I plan to do my best to maintain.*
Children in early childhood are in their Beginner's Mind years of life. Everything is fresh and interesting. Limits really are invisible to these little people. Think about a child set free to play- until adults impart boundaries and limits, kids will climb higher than they ever have before- every time! Just as adults can drift out of Beginner's Mind as they slowly become experts on a topic, children gradually leave the Beginner's Mind years as they progress through school and learn the rules of society. School-age children can and do benefit immensely from training in mindfulness, but those in their early years have the added benefit of automatic Beginner's Mind, not just for mindfulness meditation, but for Life.
Our youngest children are ready for mindfulness, but it seems to me that they don't often discover it on their own. The ideal way for a young learner to first experience mindfulness would be to observe someone she knows, practice in her presence over time. She could then spontaneously play "meditation" as she interprets it, ask questions and develop deeper understanding at her own pace. If you already have a meditation practice, by all means invite your little one to sit with you. He probably won't have your stamina, but then again neither did you when you first began. As you mindfully wash the dishes, or eat an orange as part of practice, include your child by speaking your thoughts out loud. Ask for his input- "What does your orange smell like? How does the peel feel on your skin? What do you see as you gaze at your treat? What do you notice as we pull the segments apart?"
As parents, caregivers and educators, we can provide these invaluable mindfulness tools to our kids from the very start as they navigate the world. If you don't already have a practice there are an abundance of resources available for free online or at your local library. Enrollment in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshop is a wonderful option that will change the way you view life in just eight weeks. These workshops generally have a fee attached, but participation will lay a priceless foundation for sharing skills with all the children in your life.
The benefits of mindfulness include increased focus and concentration, impulse control, emotional regulation, management of stress and anxiety, and more. With early exposure and mindfulness skill building, children are able to embark on each stage of life better equipped to deal with the inevitable challenges that will arise. I can't sum up the larger societal benefit any more clearly than Dr. Dan Siegel, author of
The Whole Brain Child, in this clip,
Discussing the Science of Mindfulness:
"Mindfulness is really a lifelong skill that can change the individual's life for the better- [change] relationships that that child has in his or her life... and in that way, one relationship at a time, improve the world."
I am encouraged by the possibilities of bringing mindfulness to more children in their early years. There are workshops available in select cities and many teachers are taking it upon themselves to bring mindfulness practice into their classrooms. As an early childhood professional who sees great value here, I strive to learn as much as possible. I will bring what I learn to you, first here on this website, and eventually through more hands-on options. Please feel free to comment or email with questions. I have only touched on what mindfulness is, so peruse the links and resources in the sidebar and ask away. I'd love to help you get started or deepen your practice of mindfulness with young children.