Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Announcement: Relaxation Story is published on the Insight Timer app!

The Insight Timer app is an amazing global community of meditators, free of charge. There's a simple timer, a huge library of guided meditations, talks, and music and community groups where people ask for and lend support, write poetry together, share resources, etc. I use it every day and it really rocks!

I'm pretty psyched about Relaxation Story being published, because I've been saying for quite some time that I should do this. Well, one rainy evening in October I pressed record, figured out how to submit my audio to the app, and today when I sat down to meditate I was pleasantly surprised to see my image and title listed in the New Today category.

I first started using this guided body scan (you can read about and hear an earlier version in older blog post here) to help my little ones settle down and relax at nap-time and bed-time. The results felt really good to everyone, parents included, and the routine gave us a chance to learn about and begin practicing other forms of mindfulness. Hence this page was born!

I hope you enjoy this first submission and don't forget to follow the contributor (me!) "Mindful Kids," to be alerted within the app when Inoost something new.
